The Champaign Clippers Vintage Base Ball Club is always looking to add players.
Our goal is to honor the original style of play, but embrace today’s diversity by creating a welcoming environment where anyone can play together, regardless of age, gender, race, or anything else. If you think you’re old enough to play, then play! The more the merrier!
How do I get started?
You can simply show up to one of our games/events, or you can contact us and let us know you’re interested. We’re happy to answer any questions you have and help you get started.
Everything you need to play, which is simply a bat, ball, and bases, will be provided by the team. If you have any vintage equipment you’re of course welcome to bring it!
How much does it cost?
Costs will be kept to a minimum. We want to keep the club accessible to all.
You can certainly get started without paying anything. Our uniforms are designed to be easily replicated with clothes you most likely already have, and you don’t need anything else to play.
If you’d like to purchase a uniform, we have tiered costs depending on what you’re comfortable spending. See our uniform information below.
What is the commitment?
Firstly, we don’t expect every player to be at every game. We aim to have a large list of players so that we will have at least nine for each scheduled game.
The number of games will vary each season, but in the first few years as the team gets established you can expect a minimal amount; something in the ballpark of two to six games. Games will be on Saturday or Sunday starting as early as April and ending as late as August.
When the team travels, we will keep it close to home and limit it to day trips. Bloomington, Decatur, Danville, and Springfield all have vintage base ball clubs.
What is the uniform?
Our uniform for at least the first season will be very basic, in the style of early vintage base ball clubs.

DIY Uniform
If you want to spend zero dollars, wear a plain navy hat, a charcoal gray long-sleeved shirt, blue jeans, and dark shoes. You’ll fit right in.
Minimal-Cost Team Uniform
If you’re willing to invest about $40, you can purchase the team hat and shirt using the links below, and then wear your own blue jeans and dark shoes. Each item is sold through Amazon.
Full-Cost Team Uniform
If you’re willing to pay about $80, you can purchase the whole team uniform. Use the links below. Everything is sold through Amazon.
Hat: We wear navy blue, pillbox style hats. You can purchase our team hat (~$15) through Amazon or wear something of your own. It’s best to wear something without any logos if you are going to wear your own hat. This keeps it more accurate to the era.
Shirt: We wear charcoal gray, long-sleeve shirts. You can purchase our team shirt (~$25) through Amazon or wear something of your own. It’s most important to wear a gray, long-sleeve shirt without any logos, if you’re going to wear something you already own. Don’t necessarily worry about matching the style exactly. If the team shirt is unavailable, here’s another option through Amazon. The team shirt is flannel, which is great for cooler days but not the best for those really hot summer days. There is a cooler, more breathable option available through Amazon, if you’re interested.
Pants: We wear navy blue bottoms. You can purchase our team pants (~$40) through Amazon or wear jeans. You can also find these same pants at local department stores if you want to try them on first.
Skort option: Female players can choose to wear navy pants, or a navy tennis skort with long navy socks, which is look similar to what women wore in the 1940s All-American Girls Professional Baseball League.
Tie: A tie? Why so formal? Well, many teams wore ribbon ties in 1860, and since we have basic uniforms without any team emblem (for now) we will provide navy blue ribbon for a tie, if you have a collared shirt.
Socks: The current iteration of the uniform does not require a specific sock color/type. However, looking ahead to future uniform iterations, a navy sock would be the best bet if you want to plan ahead.
Shoes: We wear black shoes. You can wear plastic cleats, but you don’t have to. It’s best to have all black shoes, with no clear logos or markings, but it’s ok if that’s not possible for you. Some players spray paint old shoes to cover up white logos, instead of buying something new. Some players even go barefoot.